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Hair Loss

Ready to say goodbye to being self conscious about your thinning hair? Whatever your gender or the condition of your hair and scalp, we understand hair loss can be an uncomfortable topic and welcome you to book with one of our experienced physicians to discuss the options available to you. Some of the newer treatments can lead to fabulous results and help to restore healthy hair growth.

Areas of Concern

Androgenic Alopecia – Men

The most common cause of hair loss in men, caused by a combination of hormones (androgens) and a genetic predisposition towards thinning hair or receding hairline.

Androgenic Alopecia – Women

It’s a common misconception that only men suffer hair loss. This subject of hair loss can feel especially taboo for women. A large number of women also experience hair loss and thinning at any point in their lifetime.


Whether you’re experiencing Androgenetic Alopecia, thinning hair or receding hairline, it’s best to tackle this issue early on. Book a consultation today for a friendly, discrete and obligation-free discussion.

Regenera Activa - Women

Regenera Activa – Men

All skin types welcome

Got questions? Or ready to book in? Contact our experienced and friendly team to start your journey to healthy skin with us.
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The Skin Lab

12th Floor, Morris Towers
149 Wickham Terrace
Brisbane QLD 4000

T: 07 3832 4370