Eleanor Jenkins
BPharm | MPS-AACPA | DipLeadMgt
Get ready to meet Eleanor, our exceptional Chief Executive Officer, Consultant Pharmacist pharmacist, and multitasking powerhouse of medical and skin knowledge. With a fiery passion for skin health, aesthetic treatments, and a strong cup of coffee, she brings an incredible blend of expertise and heart to The Skin Lab team and clientele.
Eleanor’s extensive medical expertise and acute attention to detail seamlessly merge with her profound understanding of skincare. She goes the extra mile to address treatment and medication inquiries, ensuring that our clients receive nothing short of exceptional care and guidance.
But that’s not all—behind the scenes, Eleanor is a force of nature working tirelessly to elevate the client experience at The Skin Lab. She invests in staff education, stays at the forefront of cutting-edge treatments, embraces state-of-the-art technology, and curates exceptional skincare lines. With her guidance, our team is empowered to deliver results that are simply unmatched.
Eleanor’s leadership sets the stage for excellence, making her a true trailblazer in the field of dermatology and medi-aesthetics. Her ability to inspire and motivate others is awe-inspiring, ensuring that every aspect of The Skin Lab is infused with unrivalled care and a commitment to excellence